Monday, December 12, 2005

Sadly, No!

Now I love Brad & Seb & Gavin -- to the extent this site gets any traffic at all, it's because of them. And they are funny, very funny talented bloggers; I'd like them even if they were Republicans (humor is stronger than ideology). S,N! is the best blog, ever. But I respectfully disagree with Brad's contention that John Cole is not a hack:

In other words, they're mindless hacks who never criticize their own party. (I should note that this doesn't apply to conservative blogs like Maguire or John Cole- I'm mostly thinking of our friends at Powerline.)

Au contraire, Brad. John Cole is a hack, a nutjob, and a douchebag. Brad allows that

Cole can be an arrogant jack-ass, but that doesn't make him a hack. I don't always agree with him, but I usually feel like he makes sincere arguments.

But I'm not so sure sincerity is the criterion that should be used to distinguish hacks from non-hacks.

I think the problem here is of relativity. Brad's right to note that there's a difference between Cole and the likes of Powerline, but c'mon, is it really a meaningful distinction? Sadly, No! Just because John Cole's analingal skills aren't up to the tongue-inserting expertise by which Powerline rims the Bush Administration doesn't mean that John Cole doesn't dutifully toss Republican salads, too.

Hack (scroll down to second comment).