Monday, November 28, 2005
Linx 4 U
I have to leave for a few days; should be back Friday. But, c'mon, it's not like I haven't posted plenty of material the last few days. Anyway, here's some goodies to tide you over:
Wingnuts on Planet P.
Let the good times roll. These guys are in super thick with Bush (google it!). Looks like it's paying off. It's like H.L. Hunt and Howard Hughes teleported to the 00's.
First they came for the artists, then they came for the historians.
Propertarianism in the music industry.
Now that's environmentalism.
Family Values.
Take a leak.
The candid version of PNAC.
Murder by the state for a victimless crime, what a propertarian paradise. More here.
Dont forget Poland!
I have to leave for a few days; should be back Friday. But, c'mon, it's not like I haven't posted plenty of material the last few days. Anyway, here's some goodies to tide you over:
Wingnuts on Planet P.
Let the good times roll. These guys are in super thick with Bush (google it!). Looks like it's paying off. It's like H.L. Hunt and Howard Hughes teleported to the 00's.
First they came for the artists, then they came for the historians.
Propertarianism in the music industry.
Now that's environmentalism.
Family Values.
Take a leak.
The candid version of PNAC.
Murder by the state for a victimless crime, what a propertarian paradise. More here.
Dont forget Poland!
Constructive Nihilism
About Me
- Location: Barfansas
Farmer. Supermodel. Abortionist. Welfare Check-Casher. Pornographer. Nuclear Scientist. Ninja Master. Professor. Secret Agent. Hippie Pacifist. Destroyer of Wingnuts.
Complaint Dept: retardo -at-
I blog as 'HTML Mencken' at Sadly, No!; elementropy remains for left-overs and for my own reference.

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