Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Funny Pages
The comprehensive version of the 2005 wingnut All-stars is still in progress. Until I get it done, here are some funnies I've dug up:
The Poor Man's Tech Central Station "Transnational Progressivism" parody.
The Poor Man's Tech Central Station "Global Warming" parody.
The Poor Man's Tech Central Station "Galileo" parody.
The Poor Man's Tech Central Station "The Day After Tomorrow" parody.
Ted Barlow's National Review Cruise Activities List.
The Cornier 2.
The Cornier 3.
War Nerd.
UPI interviews War Nerd.
Guess The Wingnut.
Wingnut Debating School.
Wingnut Debate Dictionary.
The Corner Unleashed.
Poker With Dick Cheney.
Classics, all.
Not an old post but Mithras's Conservative Blog Taxonomy belongs here, too.
The comprehensive version of the 2005 wingnut All-stars is still in progress. Until I get it done, here are some funnies I've dug up:
The Poor Man's Tech Central Station "Transnational Progressivism" parody.
The Poor Man's Tech Central Station "Global Warming" parody.
The Poor Man's Tech Central Station "Galileo" parody.
The Poor Man's Tech Central Station "The Day After Tomorrow" parody.
Ted Barlow's National Review Cruise Activities List.
The Cornier 2.
The Cornier 3.
War Nerd.
UPI interviews War Nerd.
Guess The Wingnut.
Wingnut Debating School.
Wingnut Debate Dictionary.
The Corner Unleashed.
Poker With Dick Cheney.
Classics, all.
Not an old post but Mithras's Conservative Blog Taxonomy belongs here, too.
Constructive Nihilism
About Me
- Location: Barfansas
Farmer. Supermodel. Abortionist. Welfare Check-Casher. Pornographer. Nuclear Scientist. Ninja Master. Professor. Secret Agent. Hippie Pacifist. Destroyer of Wingnuts.
Complaint Dept: retardo -at-
I blog as 'HTML Mencken' at Sadly, No!; elementropy remains for left-overs and for my own reference.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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