Thursday, July 14, 2005
More Than This
I'm working feverishly on a sequel to the previous post. Until I post it, read some of the blogs on your left (no, not my left, your left). I especially suggest Wolcott, who's been on fire lately.
There are several teams that went unmentioned in the previous All-Star round-up of Wingnut League Punditry. So far, I've got eight more to describe, and that list will probably grow. Your suggestions are welcome.
I'm working feverishly on a sequel to the previous post. Until I post it, read some of the blogs on your left (no, not my left, your left). I especially suggest Wolcott, who's been on fire lately.
There are several teams that went unmentioned in the previous All-Star round-up of Wingnut League Punditry. So far, I've got eight more to describe, and that list will probably grow. Your suggestions are welcome.
Constructive Nihilism
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- Location: Barfansas
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