Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Filling Someone's Piggybank
I missed this. The US handed out billions to contractors in duffle bags.
See also the LRB.
Pathetic. Not just that there's no paper trail, no accountability, little way of telling if the money went to where and whom it ultimately should have.
One way or another you just know that some of this money is making its way to the RNC.
Hey, that's not outrageous: it's happened before, as when the CIA gave money to the Greek junta which in turn made its way back to Richard Nixon's campaign and dirty trick coffers.
I missed this. The US handed out billions to contractors in duffle bags.
See also the LRB.
Pathetic. Not just that there's no paper trail, no accountability, little way of telling if the money went to where and whom it ultimately should have.
One way or another you just know that some of this money is making its way to the RNC.
Hey, that's not outrageous: it's happened before, as when the CIA gave money to the Greek junta which in turn made its way back to Richard Nixon's campaign and dirty trick coffers.
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