Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Barbeque, That's What's Cookin' *
As I sit here lounging, smoking a cig and patting my belly after just eating a delicious side of pork ribs, I take a moment to feel pity not only for the Jews, Muslims, and Vegans who cannot share at all in the joyous, life-affirming rite of eating bbq, but also for the Yankees who either don't know what good bbq is, or if they do, can't get it up there near their igloos (except via Fed Ex).
They're missing out.
As I sit here lounging, smoking a cig and patting my belly after just eating a delicious side of pork ribs, I take a moment to feel pity not only for the Jews, Muslims, and Vegans who cannot share at all in the joyous, life-affirming rite of eating bbq, but also for the Yankees who either don't know what good bbq is, or if they do, can't get it up there near their igloos (except via Fed Ex).
They're missing out.
Constructive Nihilism
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- Location: Barfansas
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