Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Primary Sources
I've blogged a bit lately on the wingnuts' "stab in the back" rhetoric, how it's a throwback to the post-Vietnam era, and how that, in turn, shows just what the situation in Iraq has become.
By now you've heard of Karl Rove's recent commentary, which aims to be the biggest, baddest bit of scapegoating yet.
Rove and the Repugs didn't invent "The Stab in The Back" schtick from whole cloth, but then neither did the neocons of the late 70s and early 80s who made it such an important part of their anti-60s platform.
This is their source.
I've blogged a bit lately on the wingnuts' "stab in the back" rhetoric, how it's a throwback to the post-Vietnam era, and how that, in turn, shows just what the situation in Iraq has become.
By now you've heard of Karl Rove's recent commentary, which aims to be the biggest, baddest bit of scapegoating yet.
Rove and the Repugs didn't invent "The Stab in The Back" schtick from whole cloth, but then neither did the neocons of the late 70s and early 80s who made it such an important part of their anti-60s platform.
This is their source.
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- Location: Barfansas
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