Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Our George: Not Exactly A Southern Baptist
There was no teetotaling Damascene conversion for George Washington, who was unlike our current leader in so many other ways, too.
Everyone knows Ol' George grew hemp, but did you know that he, like Uncle Jesse, operated a still?
Wingnuts, so often wrong on the subject of the Founders' religion, are also wrong on the Founders' habits: to find people in history that resemble the Religious Right, one just has to look in other places. Like, say, in Afghanistan in the 1990s.
There was no teetotaling Damascene conversion for George Washington, who was unlike our current leader in so many other ways, too.
Everyone knows Ol' George grew hemp, but did you know that he, like Uncle Jesse, operated a still?
Wingnuts, so often wrong on the subject of the Founders' religion, are also wrong on the Founders' habits: to find people in history that resemble the Religious Right, one just has to look in other places. Like, say, in Afghanistan in the 1990s.
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