Thursday, July 01, 2004
It's old, so old I can't remember where I got it, but here's Michael Berube's dossier on Dinesh D'Sousa.
My favourite D'Sousa moment came a few years ago, when I watched him start to visibly moisten (or tumesce, who knows) on Bill Maher's "Politically Incorrect". Another panelist had said, strictly en passant, something mildly flattering about Ronald Reagan. This went over well enough, but D'Sousa seized upon the name. "Reagan, ooohhh, Reagan!" in a tone that was beyond cooing and far beyond fawning: it was straight out of a Barbara Cartland novel. The crowd started laughing their asses off, and you could even tell that Maher was torn between being embarassed for D'Sousa and wanting to point and laugh at him, himself.
It's old, so old I can't remember where I got it, but here's Michael Berube's dossier on Dinesh D'Sousa.
My favourite D'Sousa moment came a few years ago, when I watched him start to visibly moisten (or tumesce, who knows) on Bill Maher's "Politically Incorrect". Another panelist had said, strictly en passant, something mildly flattering about Ronald Reagan. This went over well enough, but D'Sousa seized upon the name. "Reagan, ooohhh, Reagan!" in a tone that was beyond cooing and far beyond fawning: it was straight out of a Barbara Cartland novel. The crowd started laughing their asses off, and you could even tell that Maher was torn between being embarassed for D'Sousa and wanting to point and laugh at him, himself.
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