Thursday, June 03, 2004
"Transfer of Power". "Sovereignty".
In case any poor sap actually thought that the Bush administration uttered these words with the intent of conforming to standard accepted meaning, Colin Powell has just disabused them of such notions.
No one can now ever say that the Bush people don't have a sense of fun. Obviously they mean "sovereignty" and "transfer of power" in rather the same heavy spirit of irony that the Nobel Comittee exhibited when it awarded peace prizes to the likes of Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Kissinger.
"Transfer of Power". "Sovereignty".
In case any poor sap actually thought that the Bush administration uttered these words with the intent of conforming to standard accepted meaning, Colin Powell has just disabused them of such notions.
No one can now ever say that the Bush people don't have a sense of fun. Obviously they mean "sovereignty" and "transfer of power" in rather the same heavy spirit of irony that the Nobel Comittee exhibited when it awarded peace prizes to the likes of Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Kissinger.
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