Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Yeah, I've been slacking off. Work's not been as hectic, so I've had time to blog, so there's no excuse. I'm just lazy.
So anyway, while I spend my last day recovering from intense sunburn and the effects of silly and suicidal watersports (as well as sit here and pray my farmhouse doesnt burn down due to the effects of yesterday's local brownout), I thought I'd try to ketchup.
Yeah, I've been slacking off. Work's not been as hectic, so I've had time to blog, so there's no excuse. I'm just lazy.
So anyway, while I spend my last day recovering from intense sunburn and the effects of silly and suicidal watersports (as well as sit here and pray my farmhouse doesnt burn down due to the effects of yesterday's local brownout), I thought I'd try to ketchup.
Constructive Nihilism
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- Location: Barfansas
Farmer. Supermodel. Abortionist. Welfare Check-Casher. Pornographer. Nuclear Scientist. Ninja Master. Professor. Secret Agent. Hippie Pacifist. Destroyer of Wingnuts.
Complaint Dept: retardo -at-
I blog as 'HTML Mencken' at Sadly, No!; elementropy remains for left-overs and for my own reference.

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