Sunday, March 07, 2004
Wife's Best Friend?
Mr Blair may be embarassed in the coming weeks.
"when Mr Blair returned to London from a visit to President George Bush's Texas ranch, he immediately phoned Ms Caplin. "She told me Tony said that war against Iraq was inevitable and that he had to make good use of the next few months to win public support.
"When people were arguing whether the United Nations would get involved or not, I knew that the war was going to happen no matter what.
"Robin Cook [former UK foreign secretary] and Clare Short [former Blair minister] were both correct when they said Tony had signed up with the US for war and nothing would change his mind.""
Just when poor Tony thought he was in the clear.
Mr Blair may be embarassed in the coming weeks.
"when Mr Blair returned to London from a visit to President George Bush's Texas ranch, he immediately phoned Ms Caplin. "She told me Tony said that war against Iraq was inevitable and that he had to make good use of the next few months to win public support.
"When people were arguing whether the United Nations would get involved or not, I knew that the war was going to happen no matter what.
"Robin Cook [former UK foreign secretary] and Clare Short [former Blair minister] were both correct when they said Tony had signed up with the US for war and nothing would change his mind.""
Just when poor Tony thought he was in the clear.
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