Thursday, March 04, 2004
A Stupid Smear's Pedigree
The gratuitous smear contained in this post betrays the inherent paranoia of freeperism.
Needless to say, it bothers me.
Well, surfing the net last night I stumbled on this post at Sadly, No which gives a brief geneology of the smear, the origins of which lay in the reaction to the lyrics of the Antichrist himself, Eminem.
This of course perfectly meshes with the biases of the smear's latest circulator.
The gratuitous smear contained in this post betrays the inherent paranoia of freeperism.
Needless to say, it bothers me.
Well, surfing the net last night I stumbled on this post at Sadly, No which gives a brief geneology of the smear, the origins of which lay in the reaction to the lyrics of the Antichrist himself, Eminem.
This of course perfectly meshes with the biases of the smear's latest circulator.
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