Thursday, March 11, 2004
A Liberal group is spending 5.1 million dollars to attack Bush, which is to be expected. But now the Log Cabin Republicans are going to run their first ever tv ad, and it will criticise Bush too.
What I wonder is this: as Thuh Preznit slips farther down the polls, how long will it be before the mainstream fasc-- umm, Republicans accuse the Log Cabin Reps of being a Liberal fifth column? Of course the superChristians already suspect as much, but I mean the more traditional I Want To Keep My Money Republicans, rather than the I Want To Persecute People variety.
A Liberal group is spending 5.1 million dollars to attack Bush, which is to be expected. But now the Log Cabin Republicans are going to run their first ever tv ad, and it will criticise Bush too.
What I wonder is this: as Thuh Preznit slips farther down the polls, how long will it be before the mainstream fasc-- umm, Republicans accuse the Log Cabin Reps of being a Liberal fifth column? Of course the superChristians already suspect as much, but I mean the more traditional I Want To Keep My Money Republicans, rather than the I Want To Persecute People variety.
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