Thursday, June 26, 2003
Oh, goodie.
Following the lead of the dread Max Boot and much-dread Dinesh D'Sousa, Paul Johnson extols the virtues of empire, part of the neocon trick to gradually resurrect the word. At heart, this is a battle of linguistics : Empire has always been for years an evil word to Americans, and for very good reason. Even in pop culture it has nasty connotations of dark helmeted baddies blasting heroic rebels and natives. But neocons don't want us to think that, since they want US to be an empire. Hence, they affix their cheery catch-all words, freedom and liberty, to it.
The Empire For "Liberty"
Following the lead of the dread Max Boot and much-dread Dinesh D'Sousa, Paul Johnson extols the virtues of empire, part of the neocon trick to gradually resurrect the word. At heart, this is a battle of linguistics : Empire has always been for years an evil word to Americans, and for very good reason. Even in pop culture it has nasty connotations of dark helmeted baddies blasting heroic rebels and natives. But neocons don't want us to think that, since they want US to be an empire. Hence, they affix their cheery catch-all words, freedom and liberty, to it.
The Empire For "Liberty"
Constructive Nihilism
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